Kawasaki is committed to providing customers unique business solutions with our innovative technologies to meet diverse societal needs worldwide. Kawasaki, ‘working as one for the …
In response, Kawasaki has been driving forward its projects to commercialize the global hydrogen supply chains that allow for the use in Japan of competitively-priced, foreign-produced hydrogen.
Kawasaki has developed Japan’s first compressed hydrogen trailer with composite cylinders, which will enable hydrogen to be transported from domestic hydrogen production facilities to …
Explains Kawasaki’s efforts in developing state-of-the-art products and technologies for land, sea, and air applications. PEOPLE Introduces the thoughts and perspectives of members of …
Kawasaki has developed the lowest NOx emission DLE (Dry Low Emission) combustor. With high total thermal efciency, Kawasaki gas turbine reduces environmental burden.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (hereinafter, the “Company”) sustained a loss of approximately ¥51billion due to a breach of contract by an overseas construction subcontractor that failed to …
The Kawasaki GPB Series is designed for baseload applications, for both parallel operation with the grid and island mode operation. In addition, the Kawasaki GPB Series are able to operate …
Over the course of the 125 years since its foundation in 1896, the Kawasaki Group has cultivated advanced technology and knowledge through manufacturing in a wide range of fields …
of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (to include dollar-denominated sales of loss provisions). The estimated impact on operating income due to a 1 yen fluctuation in the exchange rate.