A class by Rabbi Heschel Greenberg on the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah: Why Shema Blessings Are Different. Rabbi Heschel Greenberg has launched a new series of classes on the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah in ...
A weekly glimpse into the Israel you won’t read about in the news. Parashat Pekudei: Blessing Our Efforts ...
During the day of Shushan Purim, I normally walk through the city of Jerusalem and stop at one of the Chabad Purim tents ...
We are coming off of the beautiful holiday of Purim. In the Megillah, we read how Haman offered King Ahasuerus 10,000 kikar ...
(Thoughts shared at Seudat Shlishit at the Maimonides Kehillah, Brookline, MA to mark the recent Yahrzeits of my father-in-law, Abraham Leidner, z”l and my father, Seymour Hefter, z”l) ...
Lets analyze the reactions of a mother worried about his son going off the derech, and how couples treat each other in the ...
Spring is my favorite season. I’ve always enjoyed the connotation of its name – a verb that provides energy and potential. Yes, we can “summer,” and we can definitely “winter,” but those terms don’t ...
With Passover just over three weeks away, local Jewish congregations and groups are organizing community seders.
It is a profound act of faith to meet death and continue to believe passionately in life. And that faith is truly ...
Does anything I wrote have to do with parshat Vayakhel? Absolutely. Not only is that an affirmative answer, but it connects ...
Nevertheless, Abrams and her family, like so many who were displaced and devastated by their losses, are glad to be alive, and a number of them are crafting paths forward in a deeply Jewish way: ...