Now, 2025, is the time to delve deeper into the culture of human rights in South Africa to reveal its true meaning. Deepening the culture of human rights requires expanding the concept and our ...
Dit is nou in 2025 tyd dat die kultuur van menseregte in Suid-Afrika verdiep word om sodoende die ware betekenis daarvan te vind. Hierdie verdieping van die kultuur van menseregte beteken dat die ...
Outdated power infrastructure is the reason behind the 500 or so unplanned power outages in Ekurhuleni Metro every month. This is evident from an economic development report tabled to the Metro’s ...
The promises made by Mpumalanga’s MEC for Finance, Mr Bonakele Majuba, in his budget speech for the 2025/26 financial year cannot be executed due to the ANC government’s failed policy directions.
The Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) asked the Ekurhuleni Metro Council’s Mayor, Mr Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, to examine the Metro’s municipal by-law on electricity, specifically the confusing memorandum of ...
Ms Ms Kenetswe Mosenogi, North West MEC for Finance, today stated in her budget speech that the 2025/2026 budget’s objective is to lay a firm foundation for a thriving economy in the province. As it ...
Die VF Plus het die Ekurhuleni-metroraad se burgemeester, mnr. Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, versoek om die metro se munisipale kragbywet te bestudeer en veral die verwarrende memorandum van 14 Julie 2010 ...
Die VF Plus eis dat daar kragdadig opgetree word teen lede van Ekurhuleni se metropolisie (EMPD) wat vandag talle plaaslike hoofroetes versper weens ʼn loonstaking. EMPD-lede veroorsaak tans reuse ...