Onze verre voorouder Lucy was weliswaar in staat om op beide benen rechtop te lopen, maar ze kon lang niet zo hard rennen als wij.
Incluusion werkt aan een soepelere instroom van vluchtelingstudenten bij reguliere opleidingen van de UU via het Pathways project.
A section of the Roman wall in the Belgian town of Tongeren. Photo: Michel Wal, via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) Visitors to the Meuse-Rhine region can explore ancient landmarks across nine ...
Equestrian sports are popular and have benefits to human health, however concerns about equine welfare have surfaced. This thesis describes methods to improve both performance and welfare of horses.
The breakout session The Science Behind Your Future Home explored innovations shaping sustainable living spaces. Jochem Galama’s visual summary captures key themes, including eco-friendly materials ...
From 1 January, the Utrecht University Library will no longer offer online access to Het Financieele Dagblad. This also applies if you had an account with the newspaper. The paper version will remain ...
Utrecht City Centre, Janskerkhof. Photo: aerial-wikimedia-CC-RCE. The European Criminal Law Academic Network is proud to announce the 12th ECLAN PhD Seminar on European Criminal Law. The Seminar will ...
For the fourth consecutive year, University College Utrecht has received the seal of quality from `Keuzegids Universiteiten 2025'. This year's edition was published on 19 December and assesses the ...
Ben je opgelicht op Marktplaats of heb je online iets gekocht maar nooit ontvangen? Als je online aangifte hebt gedaan van fraude, is de kans groot dat je de keuzehulp van Daphne Odekerken hebt ...
Pancreatic cancer is difficult to treat. During his PhD, Joep Sprangers studied the properties of pancreatic tumour cells to ultimately work towards better treatments. He defended his thesis on ...
In de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan wordt warm en zout oppervlaktewater noordwaarts getransporteerd en is verantwoordelijk voor een relatief mild klimaat in Europa. In de diepzee stromen koude en zoete ...
WNT proteins are growth factors that promote cell division by binding to Frizzled receptors. These proteins play a crucial role in embryonic development, stem cell regulation, and tissue repair ...