In der neuen Folge von „Forsthaus Rampensau“ gibt es für die Promis in der Kärntner Alm eine hochkarätige Überraschung. Denn ...
In the new episode of "Forsthaus Rampensau", there is a top-class surprise for the celebrities in the Kärntner Alm. None ...
Ein teures Abschiedsgeschenk des ehemaligen Nationalratspräsidenten Wolfgang Sobotka schlug am Donnerstag Wellen. 240.000 ...
An expensive farewell gift from former National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka made waves on Thursday. He single-handedly ...
Hartberg would actually still have a clean sheet under new coach Manfred Schmid. But after three wins, they recently suffered ...
In den letzten Jahren hat die Partei durch politische Kehrtwendungen und interne Streitigkeiten an Kraft verloren und liegt ...
Sie kam mit ihrem Auto, besuchte ihr Kind in dessen Tennengauer Wohnung. Nur Stunden später war die Frau aus Bayern tot (67) ...
A Kosovar, who was stopped by Innviertel police officers near Suben, was driving a car that had been stolen in Italy almost ...
She came by car to visit her child in his apartment in Tennengau. Just hours later, the woman from Bavaria was dead (67) - ...
Due to irreconcilable differences, the Italian opposition party Five Star Movement has parted ways with its former founder ...
Am Donnerstag wurden 135 Rekruten im Pfarrgarten der Gemeinde Trausdorf auf die Republik Österreich angelobt. Für die ...
On Thursday, 135 recruits were sworn in to the Republic of Austria in the parish garden of the municipality of Trausdorf. For ...