Worried about memory problems Back Causes of memory problems Talking to someone about their memory problems Is it getting older or dementia?
From the March 2015 issue of our magazine, it can be a challenge to find meaningful activities as dementia progresses. Heather Stephen learns about a south Yorkshire group that does this while also ...
Public transport can be a lifeline for older people who are no longer able to drive. Find out how services can make a real difference to people living with dementia. People with dementia face a range ...
Worried about memory problems Back Causes of memory problems Talking to someone about their memory problems Is it getting older or dementia?
DiADeM is a tool to support GPs in diagnosing dementia for people living with advanced dementia in a care home setting. It has been developed by the Yorkshire and Humber Dementia Strategic Clinical ...
Our school teaching resources make it easy to teach and learn about dementia from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4. No prior knowledge of dementia is required. All of these resources can be used in class, ...
Falls on stairs and steps can cause injuries, so it is important to make them safe. If you rent your home you may need to speak to the landlord or letting agent about making any adjustments. If ...
Turning Up the Volume is the largest-ever survey with people with dementia to hear their views and experiences of what daily life is like. Turning Up the Volume: unheard voices of people with dementia ...
An innovation project about sex and intimacy in care homes led by Alzheimer's Society. It shows that people with more advanced dementia can still share their experiences, through innovation and ...
Please note: These sites are updated on a daily basis, for the working week we are in. We try to maintain the most accurate and up to date sites lists as possible, however these may be subject to ...
The money you donate helps us continue to provide vital support to thousands of people across England, Wales and Northern Ireland affected by dementia. Your donation will either be added to your phone ...
Worried about memory problems Back Causes of memory problems Talking to someone about their memory problems Is it getting older or dementia?