In one day, LMI was able to track down Bridge and Stream in northern ... required to identify [the unknown painting] as an autograph work by [van Gogh]." LMI even went so far as to genetically ...
Attributing a work to the artist generally requires authentication by the Van Gogh Museum, but lawsuits and an influx of ...
A dubious “Van Gogh” has sparked a battle between technology, connoisseurs, and the high-stakes art market. What does AI, ...
Silberberg’s other Van Gogh was an important Arles painting, The Bridge of Trinquetaille (October 1888). He sold it in 1932, just before the Nazis came to power, so there are no spoliation issues.
Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889) by Vincent Van Gogh. Collection of Courtauld Institute of Art, London. Photo: Fine Art Images/Heritage Images via Getty Images. Two paintings by Vincent Van ...
The famous painting from Dutch post-impressionist Vincent van Gogh has sparked controversy among physicists. Two decades ago, a pair of physicists stood in a museum in Madrid contemplating the ...
The painting of Gordina de Groot, or the Mona Lisa of Gerwen as she was dubbed, was among 40 paintings Van Gogh left behind before he left Nuenen for Antwerp in 1885. They were sold as a job lot for ...