A Brooklyn senior center faces closure due to a 70% rent increase by the landlord amid gentrification concerns.
City DOT picked up the project around 2015 and floated numerous ideas including building a temporary road at the beloved Brooklyn Heights Promenade level. That landed like a lead balloon.
This week, the most popular real estate listings on Brownstoner include a Carroll Gardens rental, a Clinton Hill brownstone, and a Park Slope manse. Popular listings were scattered around the borough ...
In 2019 he pitched a different plan to fix the roadway, arguing against de Blasio’s proposals, which would have either shuttered the Brooklyn Heights Promenade entirely for six years so it could ...
The following work week (Monday morning, March 10 through Friday evening, March 14) late nights Monday to Tuesday through Thursday to Friday there will only be service to and from Brooklyn at Court ...
Located in a historic building with a rooftop terrace, it is set amid the neighborhood’s ivy-covered brownstones just steps from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade.
Another sunken living room! This Brooklyn Heights co-op is on a lush stretch of Hicks and just around the corner from the 2/3. The living room has two entrances and original parquet floors ...
Schneider. Read more about it here. The Brooklyn Heights Promenade Hatched as a compromise between the neighborhood and New York’s master builder Robert Moses, the Brooklyn Heights Promenade opened to ...
including Fort Greene Park and Brooklyn Heights Promenade. Check out this NYC parks map to find more locations with free Wi-Fi. You can also find free Wi-Fi at many coffee shops, restaurants ...
The perfect place to catch the sunset after ... When the Brooklyn Bridge was constructed in 1883 it was the longest suspension bridge in the world, extending 1,595 feet across the East River, ...