Adidas begyndte at sælge de Yeezy-produkter, de stadig havde på lager, i 2023 og lovede dengang at donere ... så kan du tilmelde dig gratis her. I flere år har Region Hovedstaden kæmpet med at ...
Israel anklages i en ny FN-rapport for systematiske ødelæggelser af kvinders sundhedsfaciliteter i Gaza - herunder områdets ...
(1998), speciallæge i karkirurgi. Fra 1. maj skal Lotte Klitfod være ny vicedirektør i Region Hovedstaden, hvor hun blandt vil have ansvar for 1813. Med erfaring som cheflæge fra Herlev og Gentofte ...
MOSCOW, March 12 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin has visited the western Russian region of Kursk for the first time since Ukrainian forces seized some territory in the region. Appearing on ...
The most common reaction to the NCAA men's tournament South Region's unveiling Sunday was probably "North Carolina?!? Really?!?" But once you get past the Tar Heels' surprising inclusion in this ...
UCLA, the No. 1 overall team in this year’s tournament, is eying its first-ever trip to the Final Four. Cori Close’s team has spent most of the season in the No. 1 spot after knocking out ...
After a public appeal by U.S. President Donald Trump last week to spare "surrounded" Ukrainian troops, Putin said on Friday that Russia would guarantee the lives of Ukrainian troops in the region ...
At the core of this historical debate is the extent to which a country like Australia can – and does – have influence in the region and globally. Middle powers have different characteristics ...
President Vladimir Putin donned military fatigues for a surprise visit to troops in Russia's western Kursk region on Wednesday where he ordered them to press their lightning advance and swiftly ...
For at markere kvindernes internationale kampdag vil Københavns Kommune hylde ’markante, kvindelige borgerrepræsentanter’ med et nyt maleri. Det skriver kommunen i en pressemeddelelse. Der er tale om ...
A MAP has revealed if you are considered rich based on where you live, after a new report found nine in 10 Brits who make £100k a year don't consider themselves wealthy. The new findings from ...