Imagine if all the United States presidents’ heads were displayed as a carved wooden pole, with the worst presidents being toward the bottom and the most accomplished being at the tip-top.
Grant. Former President Barack Obama was ranked at no. 7, eight spots higher than when the experts were polled last year. Trump received the lowest ranking in the survey at 45, placing below James ...
According to C-SPAN’s Presidential Leadership survey, Trump doesn’t rank highly in any “leadership characteristics”. Of the 44 US presidents, he was rated last for moral authority and ...
The poll choices included Trump plus four others who served two complete terms, plus Lyndon Johnson, who completed JFK's term after the assassination.
But some presidents’ rankings have changed as the nation — and historians themselves — reassessed the country’s values and priorities. Historians have been ranking presidents in surveys ...
US President Woodrow Wilson had his golf balls painted black so he could still play when it snowed. Some presidents were more memorable for their style than skill. Lyndon B. Johnson reportedly ...
It nonetheless produces an annual profusion of rankings of the presidents. These are typically hogwash for multiple reasons, not least of which is the combination of ideological bias with the ...