Konami announced an anime shorts series featuring lore on the monsters within Yu-Gi-Oh! CARD GAME THE CHRONICLES.
DarkNite was Konami's answer to a recurring villain for their earliest Yu-Gi-Oh! games. Why haven't newer games included him?
P laying a card game competitively is often an expensive hobby, with the best players often having to spend hundreds of ...
Konami Digital Entertainment has confirmed every game that will be included in Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection on Nintendo ...
It only takes about six hours to beat the campaign, so Stacklands is a great card game to clear in a weekend. Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel adapts the 20-year-old trading card game into the definitive ...
Anime characters are often celebrated for their achievements and personalities, with jealousy at times standing out as a powerful driving force that shapes their actions and motivations.
Gyarados Ex has proven a surprise hit from the latest Pokémon Pocket set, becoming an established part of the TCG's ...
One of the best MTG Modern decks required a new card, and Seasoned Pyromancer has stepped up to the plate, ready to litter ...
Retro gaming fans already have 50 games to look forward to in 2025, spanning remasters, remakes, reimaginings, and brand new titles.