A top transportation official is warning authorities to assess what risk bridges face catastrophic collapse due to collision; 5 in California are critical.
The NTSB calls for vulnerability assessments of 68 U.S. bridges, including Michigan's Mackinac Bridge, to prevent collapse ...
Three years after buying the Brooklyn Heights mansion, the comedian and her family are going back to Manhattan.
The NTSB wants to prevent another tragedy like the Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore a year ago, with the head of the agency ...
The NTSB identified bridges with ‘unknown levels’ of collapse risk including famous landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge ...
The National Transportation Safety Board is recommending that 15 New York and New Jersey bridges be inspected for levels of ...
An Olympic swimming champion from Zimbabwe made history this week when the International Olympic Committee elected ...
A new report about America's bridges is out, and in it, authorities recommend evaluating bridges for their risk of collapsing ...
I spotted Baltimorehenge. The sun lined up just so in the west, sending a bright shaft of light down East Lombard Street, ...
The National Transportation Safety Board is recommending dozens of bridges to be evaluated for risk of collapse, including the Brooklyn Bridge. It's one of 11 bridges in New York that will be ...
A top transportation official is warning authorities to assess what risk bridges face catastrophic collapse due to collision.
A new report from the National Transportation Safety Board raises concerns that the Golden Gate Bridge, along with four other Bay Area spans, could be at risk of collapsing due to a ship strike.  The ...