For the second day in a row, homes were evacuated in Florida as a brush fire threatened residents, this time in Palm City.
SACRAMENTO, APRIL 2 — AP — Ratification of the six-state Colorado River treaty was completed by California today, with the reservation that this state’s approval shall be binding only when Congress ...
Homeowners facing ballooning property taxes aren't pleased. But the revenue is crucial for schools and other local government ...
The wildfires in northern Greenville County have burned thousands of acres and forced families to evacuate their homes.
North Dakotans should brace for drought, according to summer projections released by the National Weather Service Tuesday. NWS meteorologist Megan Jones in Bismarck said one model shows a 47% chance ...
The biggest fire in the state continues to be the 344 Fire in south Miami-Dade County, which has burned 26,719 acres acres as ...
A legal battle over a Congressional map is now in the hands of the Supreme Court with Justices hearing oral arguments on ...
Louisiana's redistricting faces legal challenges over racial gerrymandering claims, with courts caught between activist ...
Cal Fire has released new fire hazard severity zone maps for public review and comment, including maps for Tulare County, ...
Image via Shutterstock The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. How about 2,800 miles? One traveler has ...
“Fair maps, abortion, voting rights,” is Lang’s list. “It’s not a seat we can afford to lose because if Republicans and ...
Heather Anderson, a 43-year-old writer from Washington, has visited all 50 states and shared the USA's most underrated ...