Don't Croak Animated Short Film by Daun Kim at Ringling College of Art and Design. Featured on CGMeetup <a href=" Don’t Croak is an emotional thriller about a frog escaping a determined, frenzied girl ...
A group of seven artists — all of them from Ciudad Juarez — are trying to create an animated feature-length film that depicts ...
The feature became the surprise tearjerker of the year by using a style that feels more 'Bambi' than 21st century, tackling themes like death and overcoming a serious voice injury that sidelined star ...
Here are 32 of the greatest family animation movies that aren't from Disney.
If you haven't heard of 'Make a Girl', that needs to change, because it might be the most interesting anime dropping this ...
In a world where visuals dominate communication, 3D animation has emerged as a transformative tool for industries spanning ...
Gints Zilbalodis tells Screen how his dialogue-free animation Flow proved to be a learning experience in more ways than one.
Blender is often a go-to choice for 3D design and animation. While you can do more with Blender, such as create 3D models to ...
Zilbalodis discusses his first time working with a team, how each part of production influences his stories and the future of ...
In Benjamin Ree's documentary, Steen's parents learn about their son's rich social life as an avid 'World of Warcraft' gamer ...
Latvian animated fable Flow ( now streaming on VOD services like Amazon Prime Video) is one of those nontraditional films that find a way to sneak into the awards race and maybe upset some big-studio ...
China's leading baijiu maker Wuliangye launched a new 3D advertisement in New York Times Square, the United States, sending ...