Grimes, Elon Musk's ex, has responded to the backlash of his controversial hand gesture, which is going viral. On Monday, the Tesla CEO took the stage in Washington, DC's Capital One Arena, beginning his speech by saying, "Thank you for making it happen. Thank you," followed by slapping his right hand on his chest and extending it in salute.
A Milwaukee meteorologist who spoke out against Elon Musk’s “Nazi” salute has since parted ways with CBS affiliate WDJT-TV. “Meteorologist Sam Kuffel is no longer employed at CBS58,” news director Jessie Garcia wrote in a staff memo Wednesday obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
A meteorologist in Milwaukee has been “dropped” by the TV station where she worked after criticizing Elon Musk in an Instagram post about his Nazi-like salutes, according to a report from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.
Musk told supporters, "And I just want to say thank you for making it happen. Thank you," before making the gesture dissected around the world.
Live" cast member Chloe Fineman has no regrets about calling out X owner Elon Musk for making her cry when he hosted "SNL."
"No, Elon Musk did not do those salutes," New York Rep. Elise Stefanik told Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy when pressed before lawmakers at her confirmation hearing.
Social media only had one question to ask after Elon Musk hit the stage at the Capitol One Arena in Washington D.C. Monday: What the hell was that salute? While celebrating President Donald Trump’s inauguration at a post-ceremony rally,
There’s an easy way to say “I wasn't Sieg heiling all my pals” on the world stage. Musk isn’t saying it. Silly libs!
While speaking to a crowd of MAGA faithful on Monday, Elon Musk made a grunting noise, placed a hand on his heart and extended it outwards in a quick, snapping motion, palm facing down. He then repeated the motion for the people behind him.
What did Elon Musk just do??” one X user asked. Streamer and leftist political commentator Hasan Pike posted: “did
If it launched with a Nazi salute … where do you think it ends? On Monday, January 20th in the Capitol Rotunda, tech billionaire Elon Musk threw what