Miljoene rand se ongebruikte voorraad lê en stof opgaar by die Ekurhuleni-metro se energiedepartement terwyl basiese items soos gloeilampe nie beskikbaar is nie. Luidens ʼn verslag van die ...
When anyone says or sings that people of a certain group should be shot or killed, it will always amount to hate speech, and be divisive and absolutely unacceptable, especially in a country where ...
Eskom se besluit dat huishoudings met sonkragstelsels meer vir hul krag moet betaal, is begryplik alhoewel dit waarskynlik die teenoorgestelde uitwerking gaan hê as waarvoor hy hoop. Huishoudings wat ...
Pres. Donald Trump se aanwysing van Leo Brent Bozell III na Suid-Afrika om Reuben Brigety as ambassadeur op te volg, is ‘n welkome verwikkeling en wys dat Suid-Afrika steeds hoog op die Amerikaanse ...
It appears that President Cyril Ramaphosa has resorted to the letter of the Constitution in a bid to appoint a new ambassador to replace Ebrahim Rasool. In the process, he is once again turning his ...
Proposals by the Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) for smart, long-term solutions to secure infrastructure in the Ekurhuleni Metro are falling on deaf ears. At present, the Metro’s Energy Department is ...
The Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) welcomes last week’s arrest of the Norwood police station commander, Col. Logan Govender. It sends a loud and clear message that the police are not above the law. The ...
Ekurhuleni’s Mayoral Committee Member for Social Development, Ms Bridget Thusi, has undertaken to prioritise the opening of the neglected Eden Park Centre for Early Childhood Development in Alberton ...
Die VF Plus verwelkom die inhegtenisname van die bevelvoerder van die Norwood-polisiekantoor, kol. Logan Govender, verlede week. Dit stuur ʼn sterk boodskap dat die polisie nie bo die wet verhewe is ...
Ekurhuleni se burgemeesterskomiteelid vir maatskaplike ontwikkeling, me. Bridget Thusi, het onderneem om die verwaarloosde Edenpark-sentrum vir vroeë-kinderontwikkeling se opening in Alberton te ...
Dit is nou in 2025 tyd dat die kultuur van menseregte in Suid-Afrika verdiep word om sodoende die ware betekenis daarvan te vind. Hierdie verdieping van die kultuur van menseregte beteken dat die ...
Now, 2025, is the time to delve deeper into the culture of human rights in South Africa to reveal its true meaning. Deepening the culture of human rights requires expanding the concept and our ...