In Saint Kitts and Nevis, an innovative early warning system is aiming to help farmers suffering through water shortages.
As the Arctic’s permafrost thaws, deadly microbes are being released, causing problems for humans and animals.
We work to improve air quality to protect the environment and human health.
Agenda Item 3. New Policy Brief: A Policymakers' Guide to Life Cycle Assessment. Policy Brief: A Policymakers' Guide to Life Cycle Assessment. Agenda Item 4. Briefing on the outcomes of the 16 th ...
Job Vacancies, including internship positions, with the UNEP/MAP Coordinating Unit are posted in the United Nations Careers Portal. Users are required to register to the portal in order to view and ...
hen we came to Lake Faguibine there was a big meeting with all of the community leaders there. One of them made a rousing appeal to me that I will always remember. He said: 'I am an orphan of this ...
Living within planetary boundaries is the most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy future. Human prosperity need not cost the earth. Living sustainably is about doing more and better with less.
Every day you have to eat, just like the other 7.2 billion people on the planet. By 2050, at least 2 billion more people will join you. In this short video we explore the reasons why we need to ...
Agenda Item 2. Preparations for the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly. Agenda Item 3. Contribution of the United Nations Environment Assembly to the High-level Political Forum ...