Natural History Museum scientists have described and named 190 new species to science in 2024 The list includes a snake named ...
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Ecosystems consist of plants and other species that interact in different ways, and these interactions between plants and their environment and with other species are mediated by their functional ...
The evolution of burrowing ecologies has occurred in almost every major vertebrate group and often coincides with eye reduction and inactivation of vision-related genes. Anuran amphibians (frogs and ...
Platyhelminthes - flatworms - are one of the most diverse invertebrate phyla, with 100,000s of species in all aquatic habitats, and a major radiation of some of the most iconic vertebrate parasites (e ...
Bats are the second largest order of mammals, and key components of many ecosystems. They have ecosystem functions related to pollination, seed dispersal, nutrient flows and controlling insect ...
In a world of accelerating ecosystem change, the potential impacts of habitat and climate change are still very poorly understood for many groups of organisms. One such group is parasitoid wasps ...
Diamonds, formed deep within the Earth’s mantle, can encapsulate surrounding minerals and fluids as they grow. These inclusions, preserved as the diamond ascends to the surface, offer valuable ...
This project will investigate how biodiversity buffers human populations against the impacts of natural disasters. The research will begin by compiling and analysing spatial, remote-sensed datasets on ...
This project will develop a high-resolution mapping framework to analyse human-wildlife interactions within increasingly anthropogenic landscapes. As natural habitats are altered by human activities, ...
Cyanobacteria are the only bacteria capable of oxygenic photosynthesis. They have shaped Earth’s biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity for billions of years. Cyanobacteria are especially successful ...
Understanding persistently active basaltic volcanoes requires quantification of the variations in the rates and locations of magma supply and the impact on the evolution in space and time of the magma ...