The Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau announces that over 22,600 naming submissions were received by Ocean Park Corporation ...
Secretary for Labour & Welfare Chris Sun visits a construction site to call on contractors, employers and workers to pay ...
The Government sets its 10-year housing supply target at 440,000 units in the newly released Long Term Housing Strategy ...
Hong Kong FinTech Week 2024 opens with its co-organiser, the Monetary Authority, outlining a series of initiatives to ...
The Government issues a policy statement on the responsible application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial ...
Looking to the future, two areas are definitely dominating the scene of fintech: blockchain and AI. Balanced, proportionate ...
Secretary for the Civil Service Ingrid Yeung visited the Kowloon Families Clinic today to inspect the first-day ...
The Government announces that following an open recruitment exercise, Peter Yan will take up the role of Director-General of ...
至於私營房屋供應,政府未來五年會準備好土地,以供市場興建約80,000個單位,再加上市區重建局項目和其他私人土地發展項目,將可滿足132,000個單位的供應目標。至於較短期的私營房屋供應,根據今年9月底的最新推算,未來三至四年一手私人住宅物業市場的供 ...
財政司司長陳茂波今日率領約110人的金融和創科界代表團前往沙特阿拉伯利雅得訪問。他指出,中東市場是香港一直致力開拓的新資金來源和新市場,他期望此行可加深香港與中東彼此往還和認識、擴闊香港的朋友圈,以及生意、創科等各方面的合作,並推地兩地更緊密的經貿和 ...