Achieving this requires bold, but focused, actions, without burdening GBE with conflicting objectives. In this report, we offer an implementation strategy ...
A crisis of lost learning is sweeping across schools in England. Children cannot learn if they are not in school and not engaged. This means attainment can ...
The director of Scotland’s progressive think tank, IPPR Scotland, has responded to the publication of the Project Willow report. Stephen Boyd Director, IPPR Scotland said: “The Project Willow report ...
Child poverty remains a persistent and deeply rooted issue in the UK. In 2022/23 it was estimated that 4.3 million children live in relative poverty, and this number has risen in recent years. Among ...
“The UK government is attempting to rewire support and incentives for those who can work to do so, but this leaves many unanswered questions, creating unwelcome uncertainty for vulnerable people in ...
The UK economy has had a split personality since the Great Recession, combining a record-strong labour market with historically low productivity growth. A solution to this ‘productivity puzzle’ has so ...
An insight into why we might privilege social justice, over criminal justice Prison does not only impact and harm those who are directly locked up; prisons affect all of us. Yet many of us don’t ...
Energised by highly visible, media-friendly issues of sexualisation and representation, new 'fourth-wave' feminism must not dismiss concerns of structural inequality as relics of a previous age.
Stephen Harper, Canada's prime minister since 2006, provides an object lesson in translating political weakness and minority support into lasting power. Why do minority governments succeed or fail?