Despite progress, women’s and girls’ rights in Europe face setbacks and numerous challenges, including violence, discrimination and hate speech. The Commissioner’s work focuses on promoting measures ...
Europe’s largest minority, the Roma and Travellers, face multiple barriers to education, health, employment and political ...
Often, women with disabilities are invisible and marginalised in society, including among those promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, and those promoting gender equality and the ...
The objective of engaging the public might be to inform people about new developments in biomedicine, to stimulate debate or to lay the foundation for further consultation or participation, and to ...
Sobald die Beweggründe für die Anregung einer öffentlichen Diskussion In diesem Dokument und in Artikel 28 des Übereinkommens von Oviedo beschreibt der Überbegriff «öffentliche Diskussion» den ...
Some developments in biomedicine have human rights implications that give rise to specific ethical concerns and make them particularly challenging. Public debate In this document and in Article 28 of ...
In several European regions affected by past or ongoing conflicts, the achievement of human rights, democracy and the rule of law remains a challenge, with implications for reconciliation. The ...
La Charte est destinée à protéger et à promouvoir les langues régionales ou minoritaires et à favoriser leur emploi dans la vie tant publique que privée. Elle oblige, par conséquent, les Etats parties ...
Emperor Charles V was the great 16th century pan-European sovereign. Through inheritance, he brought together, under his rule, extensive territories in western, central, and southern Europe and the ...
Пожилые люди обладают такими же правами, что и другие люди. Тем не менее когда дело доходит до реализации этих прав, они сталкиваются с ...
to support the development of learner autonomy, plurilingualism and intercultural awareness and competence; to allow users to record their language learning achievements and their experience of ...
The Council of Europe Office in Baku has expressed its deep condolences to the people of Azerbaijan following the tragic ...