Well, on Sunday February 23, 15 boats skippered 13 men and two woman from eight countries, set off from Antigua on the first ...
Here’s a shot I took at twilight looking down on the well-protected Admiralty Bay, Bequia, the Grenadines ...
Mustang Survival’s latest inflatable PFD, the Atlas 190 DLX Hammar incorporates everything the highly respected marine safety company has learned about PFDs over the last three decades. This new, ...
In 30 years of boating along the west coast of Wales in the United Kingdom, Steven Copeland had never experienced a serious incident and certainly not one that involved a Coast Guard intervention. But ...
The administration has already made it clear, but not in writing as far as we can find, that the USCG will be repurposed to interdict both drugs and immigrants coming to the U.S. Given the ships and ...
Many of us who have dedicated chart plotters on our boats or multifunction displays (MFDs), also have charting and routing apps on out phones and tablets that we can take home with us and use ashore.
The data is fed into the NWS forecast model known as the GFS along with data from NOAA satellites and a host of other sources. The GFS combines data from four distinct models: atmosphere, ocean, ...
Before reading on, please take a moment to fill out this week’s survey so we can share your knowledge and experiences with the Cruising Compass family. Thanks. Many thanks to all of you who took the ...