If you are planning to travel to Rønne or any other city in Denmark, this airport locator will be a very useful tool. This page gives complete information about the Bornholm Airport along with the ...
Den svenske kommune Ystad forbereder sig på at indkvartere bornholmere, hvis trusselsniveauet mod Østersøen og Bornholm tiltager. Den svenske kommune og det svenske politi er i gang med at planlægge, ...
“But friends and allies can have conversations about things that are mutual benefits. What I told Denmark is, I said: ‘Ever since the president began talking about this, Greenland’s ...
Løbet skydes i gang tirsdag den 12. august i Nexø på Bornholm, der for første gang i historien får besøg af PostNord Danmark Rundt og i øvrigt bidrager med masser af bakker langs den klippeklædte kyst ...
Wahlin said that some timber circles, considered part of worshipping of the sun, have been found on the Danish island of Bornholm. She added that the circle in Aars was "the first one of this ...
Denmark plans to accelerate its defense modernization by spending an additional 50 billion krone ($7 billion) in 2025 and 2026, the country’s government has announced. Copenhagen will create an ...
Mette Frederiksen, the prime minister of Denmark, had returned from Ukraine hours earlier and was munching on a baby carrot when I walked into her office on a recent Wednesday afternoon.
Hansen said he had to wait six weeks in Greenland after being diagnosed with cancer before he could go to Denmark for treatment. Hansen spent three months in Copenhagen for his first treatment ...
A Canadian tourist had both her hands amputated after being attacked by a shark while snorkeling on vacation in Turks and Caicos when she attempted to get a photo with the creature. The incident ...
Queen Mary of Denmark looked radiant today as she presented an award ceremony held at the Black Diamond venue in Copenhagen. The royal, 52, appeared in good spirits on Tuesday as she slipped into ...
Queen Mary of Denmark has slipped into Australia with little fanfare. The Tasmanian-born royal was spotted shopping at Salamanca Market in Hobart on Saturday. The 53-year-old appeared relaxed ...