Elon Musk says take passenger rail out of government’s hands but that’s not how successful systems work, especially not the ...
It's simple: The Shanghai Maglev is one of the fastest passenger trains in the world. Traveling at about 270 miles per hour, this train is the adult equivalent of the theme park ride, especially ...
It’s easy to wonder why there aren’t Maglevs everywhere today. This high-speed levitating train will cut travel times between ...
Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania recently analyzed China’s decade-long push for electric vehicle (EV) adoption ...
After extensive research and joint experimentation, Shanghai Electric and the National-Local Center successfully deployed the first humanoid robot for routine nuclear industry operations on December 1 ...
Separatists say they hold hostages and have killed soldiers Train trapped in tunnel, was carrying over 400 passengers Security forces rescue 104 passengers, continue operation BLA demands release ...