If you are planning to travel to Rønne or any other city in Denmark, this airport locator will be a very useful tool. This page gives complete information about the Bornholm Airport along with the ...
Hansen said he had to wait six weeks in Greenland after being diagnosed with cancer before he could go to Denmark for treatment. Hansen spent three months in Copenhagen for his first treatment ...
The Australian Society of Ophthalmologists (ASO) announces the appointment of Katrina Ronne as its first woman chief executive officer (CEO) in the organization’s 43-year history, 1 a milestone in the ...
Ms Wahlin said that some timber circles, considered part of worshipping of the sun, have been found on the Danish island of Bornholm. She added that the circle in Aars was “the first one of this ...
The wooden elements form a slightly oval structure with the pieces positioned approximately two metres apart. Archaeologists discovered the ancient formation during excavation work for a new housing ...
Wahlin said that some timber circles, considered part of worshipping of the sun, have been found on the Danish island of Bornholm. She added that the circle in Aars was "the first one of this larger ...
England beat holders Spain and France kept up their perfect start while Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Portugal also secured wins and Wales held Sweden. England defeated UEFA Women's ...
Queen Mary of Denmark looked radiant today as she presented an award ceremony held at the Black Diamond venue in Copenhagen. The royal, 52, appeared in good spirits on Tuesday as she slipped into ...
"We have decided to give the government's support to this idea and that's why we are starting to prepare a change in the law," Education Minister Mattias Tesfaye told newspaper Politiken. The details ...
Hvis der bliver indgået en våbenhvile i Ukraine, må man forvente, at Rusland retter sin opmærksomhed mod Østersøområdet, og en svensk ekspert udpeger øer som Bornholm som strategiske mål for Rusland.