A number of charges, fines and cars being taken off the road were the result of a police operation targetting boyracers in the city.
New license plate rules go into effect soon in New York City, which could mean fines for drivers with obstructed plates.  The ...
It's been four months since the Utah Department of Transportation initiated an increase in traction law checkpoints at the ...
Renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the “Gulf of America” is obnoxious, needless and, well, just kinda stupid. And I love it. It’s just freakin’ awesome!
Critics say guidance on the recording of non crime hate incidents is ‘flawed’ with police without the resources ‘to monitor ...
CHICAGO ( WGN) — Chicago residents continue to report vandalism involving Tesla vehicles in an apparent protest against Elon Musk, a close advisor to President Donald Trump.
Drivers could be caught out by a new car park scam with councils across the country reporting fake QR codes on pay and ...
The Fife Police Department is investigating after a suspicious vehicle with no license plate and misspelled, incorrect ICE ...
Several pictures and videos of Tesla cars are going viral on the internet, showing owners putting up stickers to evade the ...
Quick Response (QR) codes are those black and white patterned squares you scan with a smartphone, which then direct you to a ...
It’s not just between Donald Trump and Elon Musk and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. We can make our own choices | Opinion ...
Derek Lobo, 32, pleaded guilty on Tuesday in Brockton Superior Court to assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery on a police officer, and reckless operation of a motor vehicle, ...