A police officer ended up delivering a pizza to a customer in Florida after the delivery driver discovered an 8-foot ...
Joseph Azcona was made detective after just two years on the job and earned numerous awards during his short but stellar ...
Both men were arrested a short time after retired Sgt. Joseph Keegan saw the pair try to enter a mailbox outside a business ...
The allegedly hostile and inebriated Klimek allegedly struck a guard rail, spun out and then slammed into another car, ...
Five individuals, including current and former members of the police and navy, have been arrested for allegedly committing ...
The country’s highest court has refused to grant the government permission to appeal a judgment in favor of a policeman who ...
The passenger of the Hyundai, 26-year-old Moosade Harris, of Plainfield, and Roslin were able to escape their vehicles on ...
The Defendant took advantage of his very first opportunity to exploit his power and position as a police officer to isolate ...
Authorities say an officer had to quickly brake to avoid a crash when a suspect in a pickup truck pulled out in front of him.
A police federation chief has called for American-style bull bars on police cars to drive down ramming injuries.
Police say an officer accidentally left road spikes on the roof of a patrol car and drove off, causing them to fall onto a ...