NZXT’s Capsule series of microphones showcase just that, and with the new Capsule Elite, gamers and streamers can take their audio game to the next level. I spent about two weeks with the ...
You really can't go wrong with the NZXT Capsule Elite if you're price range is $100 or less. It stands out against the rest of the competition, bringing a plethora of options to the table that ...
The NZXT Capsule Elite Microphone is here at last, and given how much I loved the previous NZXT microphones, I have pretty high expectations of this new one. It’s hitting the market as a premium ...
announces the NZXT Capsule, a high-quality USB Microphone designed for streamers and gamers to sound their best with ease. The NZXT Capsule, available in black and white versions, is a cardioid ...
If you want to go all out, you can also grab the NZXT Capsule Mini, a standalone microphone with 24-bit depth and a 48kHz sampling rate that currently has $13 off its price in the President’s ...
So, in which camp can we place their latest keyboard, the Function Elite MiniTKL? As the name suggests, it's a serious, performance-oriented, and space-saving keyboard that ditches the ten numpad keys ...
The NZXT Capsule Elite is a fantastic microphone that delivers exceptional audio quality and features at a remarkably competitive price. It’s clear that NZXT has listened to feedback and refined ...