The proudest moment in my career was giving my English teacher signed copies of my books. She was the one who taught me how ...
Trojans are putting down their devices and turning pages instead—thanks to an innovative book club called The Lit Squad at ...
Once again, Birmingham middle school students will participate in the “Birbery,” Birmingham’s take on the Newbery award. This ...
Everyone aims to improve their lives and live in the best and most comfortable way possible. These aspirations push people, ...
Each spring, the Williamsburg County School District hosts the Battle of the Books, a book-based trivia competition modeled ...
Albuquerque students are making history, winning the regional Science Bowl. They are now making their way to the national ...
A select group of students at East Middle School recently found out that a book they authored with the assistance of local ...
Georgina Dixon and Katie Hernan, high school students at Smyrna High School, won the first place gold award in the Children’s ...
In a letter to Columbia’s president and trustees last week, the Trump administration issued a set of demands that it ...
Newtown-based Sandy Hook Promise has reached more than 13 million through the peer-to-peer program to end gun violence ...
More than 150 colorful paintings -- created by middle school students and featuring letters of the alphabet in a style to ...
A demand for the university’s administration to place the Middle Eastern studies department under receivership could signal a ...