Many youths with autism spectrum disorder love the subway, often focusing intensely on the details of trains and buses, subway maps and train schedules ... “We can’t accommodate you.” ...
Rob Sarno has been with the New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) for 14 years. As assistant chief track officer, he assists maintenance and emergency response — which also meant ...
For people in wheelchairs, parents with strollers and seniors with limited mobility, a broken NJ Transit elevator can torpedo ...
Mayor Andre Dickens said Thursday he no longer wants the first phase of Beltline light rail to go alongside the Eastside Trail, backing off plans he supported during his ...
The Metro Transit “user experience” is improving, especially for those who keep up with technology like mobile apps.
The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
In his final budget proposal, Democrat Phil Murphy calls for replacing old and unreliable buses and rail cars.
SEPTA is urging people to be prepared if they plan to take public transit ... Rail. Since neither line will transport passengers to the City Hall Station, officials say to be prepared to walk. For ...
Bird Construction Inc. (TSX: BDT) is pleased to announce that Rail Connect Partners, its 50/50 joint venture with AtkinsRéalis, has finalized and signed a Project Alliance Agreement with Metrolinx to ...
Just because a Raspberry Pi is small doesn't mean it can ... It's a huge 3D-printed map of Manhattan wired up to optic fiber cables. The cables show lights where each subway train is, and a ...
“Our app will tell you how to walk to your closest public transport node, which specific vehicle to get, on whether that’s ...
the multifamily zoning districts must be located less than half a mile from a subway station, commuter rail station, ferry terminal or bus station. The districts can't impose age restrictions on ...