The "American Dream" costs at least $102,000 a year in all of the 50 biggest cities in the U.S., according to a new analysis.
The Cupertino-based tech firm is constructing two office buildings around a courtyard at 8888 Venice Boulevard.
The city faces a huge budget hole after years of mismanagement.
If nights spend rubbing shoulders with celebrities in Hollywood or the days spent strolling the Sunset Strip have you worn out, then it’s time to leave Tinsel Town for a few days and take a […] ...
Revenue alone is projected to be $315 million below the city’s four-year projected outlook, according to the city ...
Mother Nature recently dumped up to a foot and a half of snow onto the San Gabriel Mountains near L.A. Here are three spots ...
As you're driving around L.A. this week and next, plan to pull over and pull out your camera: The mountains all around us are ...
More communities than previously thought could be impacted by a tsunami resulting from a large earthquake off the California ...
Officials are cautioning residents to check whether they live in a tsunami zone ahead of Tsunami Preparedness Week, and there ...