A measure pitched by the Democrats in the Montana Legislature would take aim at rising homeowner property bills by offering an income tax credit, offsetting a portion of property tax payments for ...
MONTANA - The Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority is making strides towards reintroducing passenger rail service in Montana. The plan aims to connect Montana to itself and the rest of ...
The campus of the University of Montana, which has around 6,500 undergraduate students, is less than 10 minutes away by car.
Montana lawmakers heard proposed legislation aimed at strengthening and reforming laws addressing squatting on private ...
Rep. Mark Thane, D-Missoula, is sponsoring House Bill 155. The bill would make the first $200,000 of commercial properties ...
In his third State of the State address, Gianforte also focused on education, both in funding institutions and supporting students. He said his proposed budget would invest $100 million in teacher ...
Winco A special warranty deed was filed with the Cascade County Clerk and Recorder's office in November showing that GFS Buildings LLC had sold the former Shopko property to Winco Foods. The property ...
Committee members next considered House Bill 176, which looks to put rules in place for when Montana has 450 or more wolves. Once the population is at that level, the bill would require unlimited ...
Susie Hedalen, state superintendent in the Office of Public Instruction, announces staff. Former East Helena Superintendent ...
A recent United States Fish and Wildlife ruling pumped the brakes on removing grizzlies from the endangered species list, also putting ranchers hopes of clarity on the back burner.
Montana does allow the death penalty, although a 2015 court ruling that found the specific substance in the law has precluded ...
In Missoula, a local club is taking steps to make winter fun a bit more accessible.The Nordic Ski Club employs a team of five ...