GLADSTONE — Gladstone Area Public Schools is seeking voter approval for two bond proposals that will ask taxpayers to provide towards interior and exterior school improvements, better playgrounds, new ...
Neville Gladstone Georges was born on May 24, 1939, in Frederiksted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, to the late Claudius ...
Top administrators at a Kingston elementary school have been placed on paid leave following an abuse investigation into a former special education teacher.
A former employee at the school, Aimee Ragonese, was charged last fall with seven counts of endangering the welfare of a ...
Top administrators at a Kingston elementary school have been placed on paid leave following an abuse investigation into a ...
A potential school closure could be on the horizon for the Granite School District."I think most parents want their local elementary schools to remain open. I c ...
JCPS leaders have proposed combining two elementary schools, while splitting a middle school into two buildings.
It might've been the expansions that spelled doom for the Ward Street School. Built in 1894-95 at the foot of the growing Vernon Hill neighborhood, the rear of the school was extended twice, first ...
Valley Elementary Middle School officials have announced the February Students of the Month. The students chosen are eighth ...
A local elementary school is celebrating the completion of a major makeover. Franklin Elementary STEAM Magnet School opened in Kensington in 1903, but the playground, classrooms and many other ...
Nestled in the woods of Addison County lies Ripton Elementary School. Next September, there will not be as many students ...
The best teachers truly care about their students. That certainly describes Susan Glasheen. Her classroom at George R. Stuart Elementary in Cleveland is a very welcoming place. Students love her.