Additionally, while George Washington is an important national figure, he has limited historical connection to the state itself. This makes his image less meaningful as a symbol for the state ...
Gilbert Stuart 's masterpiece is one of the most famous portraits of George Washington in history, so it was only fitting it ...
Democrats supporting a bill that would establish a committee to redesign the flag say it is outdated and that it’s time to consider if George Washington remains the best symbol for the state.
A statue of George Washington is on display at the Florida ... “We are grateful to provide a home for this important symbol of our republic. The statue comes under our stewardship just in ...
The Washington state flag consists of the state seal, which features a portrait of George Washington ... "makes his image less meaningful as a symbol for the state." The committee to redesign ...
while George Washington is an important national figure, he has limited historical connection to the state itself,” the bill text continues. “This makes his image less meaningful as a symbol ...