Multifaceted actions are needed to better identify and challenge underlying patriarchal and socioeconomic factors affecting adolescent girls’ nutrition, write Navoda Liyana Pathirana and colleagues ...
Explore how Zwide's vision and the Madiba Jive for Peace initiative are reshaping cultural economic geography in South Africa ...
Background: Whether people experiencing homelessness (PEH) have different COVID-19 outcomes than housed patients in Canada remains unclear. We sought to ascertain whether rates of in-hospital ...
Some high schools that once took a “college for all” approach are now guiding teenagers toward more choices. Do you think that is a good idea? By Shannon Doyne Look closely at this image ...
It can handle multiple Chrome tabs, but beyond 20 tabs with Apple Music running in the background, it starts to show the limits ... while Office productivity apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and ...
We have developed the Cardiff Case Studies initiative to help our contemporary research inform and inspire the teaching of Geography in classrooms across the UK. These resources have been developed as ...
We aim to build confidence in the safety and reliability of payment service providers’ services while protecting end users from specific risks.
Background 2015 saw the largest annual spike of mortality rates in England in almost 50 years. We examine whether these changes in mortality rates are associated with an indicator of poor functioning ...
Background Epidemiological studies on green space and health have relied almost exclusively on cross-sectional designs, restricting understanding on how this relationship could vary across the ...
1 Health Policy Center, Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA 2 Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, ...