Press release - regulated information Biotalys(the "Company" or "Biotalys"), an Agricultural Technology (AgTech) company developing protein-based ...
Statistical probabilities aside, one has no reason to suspect that intelligent life exists anywhere in the universe besides on Earth. Imagine, however, that intelligent extraterrestrial beings did ...
In December 2024,the Brussels Court of Appeal found Belgium responsible for crimes against humanity over its treatment of ...
Het restaurant van Residentie Mayflower in Sint-Denijs-Westrem is voortaan open voor iedereen. Daarvoor zorgt Matthias Foket, ...
This medieval Belgian city is only two and half hours from the UK by train and has all the beauty and history of Bruges and ...
Nico Raskin made first senior international appearance at the Stadio Enrique Roca de Murcia. He rose from the bench with 80 minutes on the clock, moments after a goal from AFC Bournemouth defender ...
Press release – regulated information Biotalys (Euronext - BTLS) (the “Company” or “Biotalys”), an Agricultural Technology (AgTech) company developing protein-based biocontrols for sustainable crop ...
Workers at a Belgian brewer stack bottles and kegs sky high as they rush to fill containers for shipment to the United States ...
I began a two-part column on Jose Rizal in Belgium. This is a period in the hero’s life, which compared to other countries, ...
De zaak rond de dood van kleuter Dean (4) is donderdagavond doorverwezen naar het hof van assisen. Dave De Cock (37) en Romy ...
Crime gangs want asylum seekers to make journeys "look as safe and peaceful as possible", immigration officials believe.