Here’s everything you need to know about this iconic animal, including why they need antlers, why they really can have red ...
Most winters, I devote some space to reminding folks that feeding wildlife to “help” them through the harsh weather of the season is generally a bad idea. After two relatively mild winters with not ...
Lingering sandhill cranes in Holiday Hills and an astonishing note about hunting, meat-eating ground squireels in California are among the notes from around Chicago outdoors and beyond.
On Dec. 26, 1846, some members of the ill-fated Donner Party are believed to have turned to cannibalism in order to survive ...
In 2022, LSIB y̓ilmixʷm (Chief) kalʔlùpaɋʹn Keith Crow told IndigiNews the Similkameen River is “endangered” by a number of ...
Discover the culinary secrets of Neolithic Scandinavian farmers through findings from a 5,500-year-old settlement.
MENOMINEE COUNTY, Wis. (WBAY) - The DNR has confirmed the first chronic wasting disease in a wild deer in Menominee County. The case was found in a two-year-old buck that was harvested by a hunter.
For over two generations the League of Women Voters has advocated for government support of programs and policies that meet ...
It was already getting dark when farmer Catherine Mclennan shone her torch into the woods on her 100-acre farm and lit up ...
The Burmese python is a solitary and nocturnal creature, but it's become an invasive species in Florida as a result of the ...
So far 257 CWD-positive animas have been found in 13 Michigan counties, though Stewart said more positives have turned up ...
At a Neolithic settlement on the Danish island Funen dating back 5,500 years, archaeologists have discovered both grinding ...