Battle Partners follows on from Pokémon’s success in Terastal Festival and Prismatic Evolutions, which have seen a surge of interest in the hobby, and prices for the Japanese s ...
To celebrate 40 billion card acquisitions in total, a new Pokedex card is available for free to all Pokemon TCG Pocket players. The Pokedex card will be available to redeem from January 20 to ...
Players want a UI change in Pokemon TCG Pocket to view cards they don't have. Suggestions include rearranging decks by color and changing how showcases work. Developers hope to address player ...
Since launch, players have known trading would eventually be a part of Pokemon TCG Pocket. The question on everyone’s minds, however, has been what kind of limitations and in-game currency costs ...
Whether you’ve managed to get your hands on packs of the new elusive set or not, there are a lot of Pokemon TCG Prismatic Evolutions cards you might want! As always, though, it depends on why ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket has enjoyed months of popularity after having been released in October last year, with players having delved deep into the game’s collecting and battle features. A near ...
The beautiful thing about the best Aerodactyl ex deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket is the low Energy costs of all the Pokemon involved, and how they can still be incredibly impactful despite that.
The Pokémon TCG is the most popular trading card game in the world by many metrics, and its upcoming Prismatic Evolutions set is so popular ahead of release that sellers are worried about supply ...
Others are referring to the feature as “pay-to-trade” given the item cost, which some fear may introduce yet another in-game currency to Pokemon TCG Pocket. One of the promo cards likely ...
Trading will be added to Pokémon TCG Pocket later this month. The Pokémon Company teased the feature at the game's launch - it's been right there, "coming soon", since the app launched - but ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket players have spotted references to the Game Boy games in the background of many cards. The digital card game launched with unique immersive cards to take players inside the ...