The BBC drama follows the exploits of the Special Air Service during World War Two, and the men of the unit who stood out ...
A STREET Fighter star has barely aged a day since starring alongside Kylie Minogue in the 90s cult classic film. Ming-Na Wen, ...
The sonic striker! The colonel with the comb! Street Fighter mainstay Guile finally stars in his very own comic adventure! In this exciting one-shot story, Guile must keep an experimental ...
Minogue played another strong female character in Lieutenant Cammy White - the formidable assistant of allied forces leader Colonel William F. Guile [Jean-Claude Van Damme]. Guile is determined to ...
Thirty years ago this month, Capcom's video game Street Fighter 2 hit the big screen. Now, it's time to share why we love Street Fighter despite its faults.
Despite being panned by critics, the video game adaptation was a commercial success, and its very eccentricities keep it ...
Jean-Claude Van Damme was still near the peak of his stardom when he was cast in the lead as Colonel William F. Guile. In fact, the majority of the movie revolves around Guile in some way ...
Col. Guile and various other martial arts heroes fight against the tyranny of Dictator M. Bison and his cohorts.
By Choe Sang-Hun Reporting from Seoul A South Korean marine colonel who faced insubordination and defamation charges after accusing President Yoon Suk Yeol of whitewashing his investigation into a ...