The movie follows a week in the life of Llewyn Davis, a folk singer in '60s America who struggles to make it as a successful musician.
Join filmmaker Terence Ford for a retrospective featuring the films of the Coen brothers as part of the film class at the ...
While women haven’t always been in the foreground of Western movies and TV shows, there are some newer Westerns with great ...
The Independent’s culture team select 20 of the best comfort films across the years to cure even the worst case of January ...
US director David Lynch drank the same chocolate milkshake each day at the same time from the same place in Los Angeles ...
The Coen brothers are masters at writing side characters. Here is a list of some of the craziest characters in their many ...
One of the most enigmatic figures in modern culture has a long history with the silver screen. These are some of the best Bob ...
Not only did Alfred Hitchcock never win an Oscar (save for his memorial award in 1968), but neither did any of his films – ...
With this in mind, this list looks at the most underwhelming movies of the year. While they might not necessarily have been ...