The Anti-Crime and Terrorism Community Involvement and Support (ACT-CIS) was the top partylist chosen by the majority of Filipinos for the 2025 National Elections, OCTA Research said Tuesday.
Selv om FC København tabte 1-2 til Chelsea, leverede københavnerne en flot indsats og sørgede dermed for, at det langt fra er sikkert, at klubbens europæiske eventyr slutter ved Conference ...
Men i virkeligheden er en del af pengene gået til en muslimsk skole i Nordvest i København. Det skriver DR. Organisationen har i perioden 2021-2023 samlet 17 millioner kroner ind til nødhjælp ...
I går forvandlede Øksnehallen og CPH Conference i København sig nemlig til en bombe af japansk popkultur, der hen over weekenden vil blive besøgt af ca. 5.000 udklædte gæster. Her kan festivalen fejre ...
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) employees were asked this week to sign up for 60-day assignments — or what the government calls "details" — to assist ICE, the agency charged ...
Der må man nok være ærlig og sige ja, svarer Flemming Drejer. PET's udmelding kommer, 10 år efter Omar el-Hussein skød og dræbte Finn Nørgaard og Dan Uzan i København. Angrebet blev kaldt det "værste ...
US Africa Online reports that the immigration experts have expressed concerns about how social media information will be interpreted and used. The United States Citizenship and Immigration ...
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has opened a 60-day comment period on the proposed change, which would add a request for social media handles to immigration benefit applications ...
President Trump is offering an expedited pathway to U.S. citizenship to some South African farmers, calling their treatment in the country “terrible.” “They are confiscating their LAND and ...
The president falsely claimed on social media that the South African government was confiscating farmland, echoing previous statements that the country was mistreating white people. By John Eligon ...
Americans are largely split on which groups of children they think should automatically become citizens, according to a new YouGov survey. The survey, released Friday, includes 51 percent of ...
Citizenship of Nauru, an island nation spanning just 8 square miles in the southwest Pacific Ocean, can be yours for $105,000. The tiny, low-lying island has launched a “golden passport ...