The Macy's store in downtown Brooklyn is closing after 30 years in this location as part of a broader initiative by the ...
Residents in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn are upset that what they were told would be affordable housing going up in the ...
Enraged Brooklyn residents are accusing the city of a “bait and switch” to replace a building slated for affordable housing ...
Today marks the last day of business for Macy's iconic Fulton St. location in Brooklyn, which has served the community for 30 ...
A Brooklyn lot approved for affordable housing units is instead being used to build a homeless shelter, according to New York ...
Police on Friday were investigating a string of more than a dozen burglaries across Staten Island, Manhattan and Brooklyn ...
A woman was assaulted inside a commercial establishment in Sheepshead Bay on Friday morning, and police are now searching for ...
Brooklyn residents protest a homeless shelter, feeling deceived over its originally intended purpose as affordable housing.
Police are searching for a person linked to a string of break-ins across New York City, including the latest one in ...
Golden Wheat Market, a local organic grocery chain, is opening its first location in Brooklyn’s Sheepshead Bay neighborhood.