The bridges include iconic landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge and the ...
The Golden Gate Bridge is one of several Bay Area spans that face “unknown levels of risk of collapse,” according to a new ...
In a nutshell The installation of safety nets on the Golden Gate Bridge has led to a 73% reduction in suicides at the site ...
NTSB report puts the structural integrity of the Golden Gate Bridge and other Bay Area bridges at risk of collapse from ...
There were 2.48 suicides per month before installation of the safety nets, 1.83 during installation, and 0.67 after ...
We stopped halfway through to take in the scenery, a moment which I could only describe as a rite of passage. My goal for college was complete. Graduation may be ...
Over the last year, the NTSB identified 68 bridges built before 1991 that don't have a "current vulnerability assessment" and ...
The Brooklyn Bridge and the Golden Gate are among those that need assessments of their vulnerability to a strike by a large ...
The NTSB identified bridges with ‘unknown levels’ of collapse risk including famous landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge ...
The National Transportation Safety Board on Thursday called for urgent safety assessments of 68 bridges nationwide, including the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge.
Nearly a year since the catastrophic collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge after a container ship struck one of its piers, ...