In the Triumph of Orthodoxy service on the first Sunday of Great Lent, the clergy and faithful proclaim – with many shouting – bold statements of faith from the year 787, after decades of persecution.
In 1928, Charles Rufus Morey, chair of Princeton's Department of Art and Archaeology, proposed the exploration and excavation of the ancient and medieval site of Antioch, located in northern Syria ...
They died within minutes," said Genc, who works for an NGO helping Syrian refugee children ... the site of the ancient city of Antioch, where 90 percent of its buildings were lost and more ...
Abductions by IS in Syria have put focus on ancient group who moved from Iraq ... missionaries from Palestine or Antioch, in modern-day Turkey, settled to the west of the Parthian empire close ...
ANTAKYA, Turkey (JTA) — Jews have lived in the city of Antakya, known in ancient times as Antioch, for over 23 ... in Antakya with his wife Olga, a Syrian Jew who moved to the city from Damascus ...