A Texas judge on Thursday ordered a New York doctor to pay more than $100,000 in penalties for prescribing abortion pills to a woman near Dallas, a ruling that could test “shield laws” in Democratic-controlled states where abortion is legal.
New York regulators are talking about a closer look at their lottery practices after some Texas-sized trouble kicked up in the Lone Star State.
It is the first ruling in a case challenging “shield laws” intended to protect doctors in states that support abortion rights who send abortion pills to states with bans.
New York passed a law in late December called the Climate Change Superfund Act, which seeks to recover $75 billion from fossil fuel energy providers who emitted greenhouse gas in New York from 2000 to 2018.
They shared the same name, Dirt Candy, and a devotion to healthy food. But a trademark dispute turned into an urban-rural standoff.
The ruling against a New York doctor who mailed pills to a Texas woman could have major implications for abortion pill access across state lines.