The most startling thing about the prolonged dip in form that Kylian Mbappe endured in the second half of last year was the unnerving suspicion, watching him play, that his legendary powers of ...
On the way: 🏃 Mbappe’s sprinting journey 🔰 Why so much respect for badges? 🥶 Messi’s cold night in Kansas 🏟 Liverpool fan spoils Everton’s party When you picture Kylian Mbappe ...
Now Kylian Mbappé and Erling Haaland are the new heavyweights, the two having taken the Champions League by storm since they made their competition debuts in 2016 and 2019 respectively ...
Kylian Mbappe, take a bow. The French star Wednesday put on a show in the second leg of the Real Madrid-Manchester City Champions League tie, scoring an exquisite hat-trick to advance 6-3 on ...