The movie is based on the popular "Uncharted" video game franchise, which follows a group of treasure hunters who travel across the globe. Tom Holland stars as Nathan Drake, the main character of ...
The Uncharted movie starring Tom Holland as everyone's favourite plucky hero, Nathan Drake, and Mark Walhberg as a mustacheless, Victor "Sully" Sullivan, has been confirmed to be hitting Netflix ...
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Street-smart Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) is recruited by seasoned treasure hunter Victor "Sully" Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) to recover a fortune amassed by Ferdinand Magellan and lost 500 years ago ...
Series of films based on the video game franchise of the same name that follow treasure hunter and explorer Nathan Drake.
Tom Holland’s Unchartered 2 is clearly awaited. Read on to learn everything we know about this fabulous movie, its plot, and ...
In this article, check out the information on Horizon Zero Dawn movie which was officially announced by Sony recently.