The Brandeis University World War I and World War II Propaganda ... addressing a variety of American war aims. The posters were inspired by Western European examples, and their development and ...
Inside were nine enormous posters, weathered and folded into sixteenths. Though the text was Cyrillic, the imagery was clear: These were World War II propaganda posters promoting the Soviet-U.S ...
also use propaganda. In your book, you include a 1942 poster featuring the boxer Joe Louis. He was Black and served in a racially segregated regiment during World War II. Can you tell us the ...
Another purpose of propaganda posters in WWI was to raise morale at home, regardless of the realities at the front. Here Wilhelm and Franz Joseph, the emperor of Austria, are sent scurrying for ...
The attack on Pearl Harbor presented an ideal propaganda tool. Posters showed the Japanese as cruel and treacherous because of the unannounced nature of their attack on the US fleet. Simple poster ...