Warmest (lowest) clouds are shown in white ... As each orbit is made the satellite can view a 1,600 mile (2,700 km) wide area of the earth. Due to the rotation of the earth the satellite is ...
Hubble’s latest image reveals the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a nearby dwarf galaxy visible from Earth without a telescope.
The Taieri Pet, a rare and ethereal cloud has formed over New Zealand's Otago and NASA satellite has captured ... of 705 kilometers and completes a full view of the planet every 16 days, making ...
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope reveals clouds of gas and dust near the Tarantula Nebula, located in the Large Magellanic Cloud about 160,000 light-years away. ESA/Hubble & NASA, C.
Customized for the Cloud Lab, the NASA Worldview tool let’s you access the same satellite data and imagery that scientists use. View storms developing in real-time or go back in time to trace ...
The entire United States could see a total lunar eclipse overnight, but will the weather in Oklahoma cooperate?
As an optical satellite, the land surface is often obscured by cloud and its appearance modified by cloud shadow, both of which reduce the quality of the imagery used as input for habitat modelling.