While Latin was never widely spoken across the region, the area did receive its name through it’s connection the dead language. Latin America refers to a group of countries stretching from Mexico to ...
Do you have a favorite destination in these regions? Vote below to help us determine the best places to visit in Central and South America. SUMMARY Belongs on List? Yes No Travelers in search of ...
In the U.S., crops are grown more on an east-west axis where planting and maturing dates are more similar throughout the growing region. “South America’s soybean planting window lasts nearly ...
Until now, a global evaluation of ocean current energy with actual data was lacking. Using 30 years of NOAA's Global Drifter Program data, a study shows that ocean currents off Florida's East Coast ...
The export performance deteriorated throughout most of the region. South America and the Caribbean were the sub regions hit hardest by the fall in commodity prices. In contrast, exports from ...
The Regional Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean provides anti-corruption advisory services and technical assistance to ...